Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Quick Update

God is so good, he has really transformed my relationship with Griffin. I have such a peace about mothering him now and he has been such a good boy. Even when he has challenged me in the past few days it was no big deal, not like before where I would get all stressed and upset. We are looking so forward to Ty coming home tomorrow, YAHHH!! I am a bit nervous with all of the snow we are supposed to get, go figure, he was gone over a week and it snowed twice, the day he left and the day he gets home. I am very lucky that I do not have to bring the kids with me to pick him up, again thanks to my good friend Jill (love that girl). It will be really nice to spend some time alone with my husband even if it is white knuckling it all the way!

Hope I can sleep tonight!

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