Sunday, August 3, 2008

School Shopping

Well, we did it, we went school shopping! I decided just to conquer my fears head on and get excited about school. Grandma ("Honey" the boys special name for her) brought Carter shopping for school clothes and shoes yesterday. What a wonderful Grandma she is, we are all very lucky to have her in our lives! It was interested shopping for specific items as Carter will be wearing a uniform at school. I found it way easier to find the pieces we needed than I thought it would be. Finding gym shoes that are Logo free was a little challenging but we did it. It was nice to only have so many choices. I think we will really like the uniform idea as the kids get older and there is so much emphasis and competition around apparel.

Today was the fun day, Carter and I bought his school supplies! Over half of the things on the list were household items such as; tissues, paper towels, baggies, antibacterial wipes, etc... I suppose a kindergarten classroom gets pretty messy. There are still a couple of items we have left to get but for the most part we are ready.

The picture of Griffin shows what he has been up to lately, lining EVERYTHING up! That line of cars was every matchbox car that we have, and any of you who have boys know they have a TON of them. He is also very into being clean, strange??

Happy Sunday to you all and God Bless you!!

1 comment:

Janice Lois said...
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