Saturday, August 30, 2008

Family Time

Earlier this week my two sisters and their 5 children came to visit us. They were here for 2 days and we had a great time. My one sister had 3 girls and my other sister has a daughter and a son. It was so much fun having them here and having girls around was nice. It was the first experience our house has had to Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus (which ever she goes by now). Two of the girls are the same age as my boys so they had lots of fun playing together. Our family has been through a lot of tough times over the years, especially my two sisters. Those times have made strains our our relationships as everybody finds there own way to "get through it." I hope these two days has helped to strengthen our relationships so we can continue to grow closer. I love my sisters so much an only want the best for them!
The unfortunate thing is that I don't have any pictures. I kept talking about getting pictures of all of the kids together but then they were gone and the camera had never come out. The next time we are together I have to get pictures.
Enjoy your long and gorgeous weekend!

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