Saturday, August 30, 2008

Family Time

Earlier this week my two sisters and their 5 children came to visit us. They were here for 2 days and we had a great time. My one sister had 3 girls and my other sister has a daughter and a son. It was so much fun having them here and having girls around was nice. It was the first experience our house has had to Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus (which ever she goes by now). Two of the girls are the same age as my boys so they had lots of fun playing together. Our family has been through a lot of tough times over the years, especially my two sisters. Those times have made strains our our relationships as everybody finds there own way to "get through it." I hope these two days has helped to strengthen our relationships so we can continue to grow closer. I love my sisters so much an only want the best for them!
The unfortunate thing is that I don't have any pictures. I kept talking about getting pictures of all of the kids together but then they were gone and the camera had never come out. The next time we are together I have to get pictures.
Enjoy your long and gorgeous weekend!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Proud wife

I know just posted but I have to share this. I just got off the phone with Ty's doctor and got some really good news. Ty has been working really hard this summer to change his eating habits and get into a regular exercise routine and his hard work has paid off. He has lost about 15 pounds but the best news is that his cholesterol which was high 2 years ago is perfect now!! For all of you who need a motivator to get active or drop a few pounds for your heath, here it is!!

Back to reality

I am back to reality! It is hard to get back into mommy duty when you have been kid and responsibility free for a few days. Ty and I had such a good time together, despite the fact that I had strep throat. The weather was great, not a cloud in the sky and it was only 115, very HOT. It is a very different hot then here, no humidity so it is bearable, believe it or not. We spent our days from 9:30am-4:00pm by the pool just relaxing, talking and reading. You could only take the sun for about 45 min before you had to get in the pool which felt so good. My friend Jill asked me what it was like to be in a pool without children, all I can say is it was fabulous!! We went to a very fancy dinner on Saturday night which was such a fun experience and the food was remarkable. Then we saw the funniest thing I think I have ever seen. We went to a hypnotist show, it was hysterical!! I love spending time with my husband, he is still my best friend and he is romantic so he makes me feel special! Ty is still in Vegas working until Wednesday and I miss him.

Back to reality... It is always nice to get away but coming home is wonderful, I missed my babies!! We are so blessed to have such a great grandma and grandpa, they took such great care of the boys while we were gone, both of the boys had bad tummys. We love and appreciate them so much.

Today my 2 sisters and their 5 children are coming to visit, they are staying overnight. They have never all stayed her so I am very excited, We do not get to spend much time together and I am not sure why. I would really like to be closer to them so maybe this weekend will help that along.

I am looking forward to getting some good pics of the kids all together!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Vegas Baby!!

I made it through the girl's weekend with only minor injuries, actually I came out just fine. I did come close to getting beat up but that is a story to tell in person. We had a blast as always. The best part about weekends like that is the pure relaxation of it. There was nobody to feed and nobody needing anything from me. I feel very blessed to have such wonderful friendships that just pick up where they left off from year to year. I also feel very lucky to have a wonderful husband who is such a fantastic father! I am already looking forward to next year. But first comes a short trip to Vegas for Ty and I. We will be going there this weekend so check back next week for that update.

Attached are a couple of photos from the weekend and a couple that I took of the boys today. It is funny how a few days away make you a better parent, we had a fabulous day today!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Girl's Weekend

It is that time again, time for the annual Girl's weekend at my friend Erin's parent's cabin. Actually it is their house now that they retired but they graciously let us use it one weekend a month! It is a beautiful home on a fabulous lake in Northern Minnesota. There are 7 of us that go and we have all been friends since Junior High (or Middle School). It is always so good to spend time with them as we only all get together one time a year. We have some traditions that we do yearly and some things that we change up from year to year. I will update that information when I get home. All I know is there will be a lot of relaxation and a lot of laughs. And NO children!!!

Attached are a couple pics from last years weekend. Hope you all enjoy your weekend too.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

School Shopping

Well, we did it, we went school shopping! I decided just to conquer my fears head on and get excited about school. Grandma ("Honey" the boys special name for her) brought Carter shopping for school clothes and shoes yesterday. What a wonderful Grandma she is, we are all very lucky to have her in our lives! It was interested shopping for specific items as Carter will be wearing a uniform at school. I found it way easier to find the pieces we needed than I thought it would be. Finding gym shoes that are Logo free was a little challenging but we did it. It was nice to only have so many choices. I think we will really like the uniform idea as the kids get older and there is so much emphasis and competition around apparel.

Today was the fun day, Carter and I bought his school supplies! Over half of the things on the list were household items such as; tissues, paper towels, baggies, antibacterial wipes, etc... I suppose a kindergarten classroom gets pretty messy. There are still a couple of items we have left to get but for the most part we are ready.

The picture of Griffin shows what he has been up to lately, lining EVERYTHING up! That line of cars was every matchbox car that we have, and any of you who have boys know they have a TON of them. He is also very into being clean, strange??

Happy Sunday to you all and God Bless you!!