Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Big Day!!

Today was a very big day at the Ellis household for two reasons:

Today was Carter's first day of "Big School." Of course he was very excited and he did very well. He could have cared less that I was leaving him for the ENTIRE day. What happened to half day kindergarten?? I am having a bit of a difficult time coming to terms with the idea of him being gone so much. The morning started out with a short time of worship for the students, staff and parents and I am usually a cryer during worship songs so that did not help the cause. I managed to hold myself together pretty well. The day seemed to go very fast and it was 3:00 before I knew it. When I saw Carter come bopping out of school with a huge smile and a backpack the size of him, I just smiled in delight!! It was nice to spend the day alone with Griffin, it is amazing how much more well behaved a child is when there is no brother to compete with or fight with. He is growing up fast as well, almost three years old already and he is a sponge, learning something new everyday.

The second reason why today was a big day is that we sent out our big packet for our adoption process (this is the picture posted of the envelop and papers). We have been working on the packet for the better part of 2 months now and today it was signed, sealed and delivered. It feels so good to finally have the process in full swing. I will keep posting as things progress.

The first picture is one of the boys at the river this weekend, we had a really nice weekend staying close to home.

Hope all of you parents out there are adjusting to the school year which is now in full swing!!

1 comment:

Beaded Bliss said...

I am so proud of you Carter - good luck at school and have FUN!