Monday, July 7, 2008

Camping like city folks

This past weekend we spent a few days at Lake Neshonoc campground with Ty's family. We were "camping" in cabins so it was not so rustic but it was fun. It is a very nice campground near LaCrosse. There is a lot to do with 2 regular sized pools, a kiddie pool, 2 playgrounds, a beach area and a lake. Griffin got to fish for the first time, he kept catching the same little rubber red fish over and over. The boys were so worn out from the weekend that they were in bed at 7:00 last night and sleeping within minutes. The weather was beautiful this weekend so the fun was endless. The only problem was the boys were afraid of the "Yettie" thanks to their dads! I feel so blessed to have married into such a wonderful family!!

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