Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kindergarten anxiety

I cannot believe how fast this summer is going. I did not think sending Carter to kindergarten would be that big of a deal for me but I am already starting to have some anxiety about it. I feel like I only have a few weeks left with him then he will be out of the house. He is VERY excited and ready to go. I sure wish we had the option of half-day kindergarten, they will be in school for so long at such a young age.

Carter just finished with T-ball which he seemed to enjoy. What a fun thing to watch; a bunch of uncoordinated 5-year-olds who all hit the ball and stand there. Once they realize they have to run to first base they just stay there and first base gets quite congested. What a wonderful thing to watch, they were clueless. By the end they were getting the hang of it.

This past weekend we went camping in the Dells. We had a great time, the boys do really good camping as long as there is enough to do to keep them busy. We went to Riverview Park and Griffin rode his first min-roller coaster. In the attached picture he is sitting beside me but you cannot see him. We also went on a great Diesel train ride and rode the WI Dells Ducks. We are very happy with our camper just not so much pulling it with our minivan.

Since we do not have any scheduled activities this week we were able to plan several things to do around town that we haven't had the chance to do as much as we would have like this summer so it will be a fun week for us! Hope you all enjoy your week as well.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Busy Bees!

We sure have kept busy this summer. We were actually home last weekend and will be home again this weekend. I have to admit, as much as I love to go places and do things, it is nice to be home once in a while. Saturday the boys were a bit out of control, it took us a while to figure it out but I think they were actually bored. They are a lot like their mother, have to go, go, go!

The picture of the train ride is the train at Carson Park, the boys really enjoy it and what a great thing to do on a Sunday afternoon, I love Eau Claire!!

Carter is in a program through Parks and Rec where he gets to try a few different sports for one week each, this week is basketball. Check out the Jump Shot!!

It is Country Jam weekend and this morning while we were out and about we saw several "tour" buses, wonder what stars were in there. My friend Mindy and I are working in the beer tent at Jam tomorrow then we get to stay for the last couple of acts. I am looking forward to it as I really enjoy hanging out with Mindy and Jam is aways a fun and interesting atmosphere. If any of you are there, come and find me!! Have a great, hopefully dry, weekend.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Carter has participated in 3 different VBS' this summer and he has loved them all. He went to Peace Lutheran Church's VBS which was a Beach Party theme, so much fun!! He went to Trinity for one called Camp Cooking and Booking and the theme was camping. Each day they were camping in a different place; polar camping, jungle camping, forest camping, mountain camping. This week he is doing the Veggie Tales camp at Trinity and is loving it! They sure put a lot of time and work into these and you can tell the people really love God and have a heart for teaching children about Him. I am so glad that he is learning about God and how to treat people the way that Jesus did. Watching him learn through these programs really makes me excited for school. We chose to send Carter to a christian school so that he can get a good foundation on christian values and learn about the Bible and ask questions about it.

I would highly recommend these programs for your kids in the future! They are each one week long and run 9:00-noon.

Enjoy the gorgeous day today!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Camping like city folks

This past weekend we spent a few days at Lake Neshonoc campground with Ty's family. We were "camping" in cabins so it was not so rustic but it was fun. It is a very nice campground near LaCrosse. There is a lot to do with 2 regular sized pools, a kiddie pool, 2 playgrounds, a beach area and a lake. Griffin got to fish for the first time, he kept catching the same little rubber red fish over and over. The boys were so worn out from the weekend that they were in bed at 7:00 last night and sleeping within minutes. The weather was beautiful this weekend so the fun was endless. The only problem was the boys were afraid of the "Yettie" thanks to their dads! I feel so blessed to have married into such a wonderful family!!