Saturday, June 12, 2010

End of school and first birthday.

Once again I am amazed at how fast the year went by. Carter completed first grade and Griffin preschool and Lily turned one. Now I have a second grader, a 4-Ker and a one year old. Get this; when Lily is in Kindergarten Carter will be in 6 grade and Griffin in 3 grade, that means three kids in private school, and that will be about the time the orthodontist appointments start, YIKES!! I may have to get a job, I sure hope I don't I love being home. I suppose it will be different when all of the kids are in school. I am very excited to have Carter home for the summer, he is a big help and he and Griffin play pretty good together and Lily loves her big brother. Carter is such a sweet boy with such a tender heart, he is also very active and loud. He has such a silly side which is fun but as I said LOUD! Griffin has matured a lot over the past year and is really starting to be more independent and he has really surprised us with his patience with his baby sister. He is a talker, he talks none stop and some of the things that come out of his mouth are unbelievable, that child remembers EVERYTHING!

We have a few camping trips planned for the summer and the boys are involved in many activities so we will be busy but with Lily we are trying to stay closer to home which is nice.

Lily had a wonderful first birthday, we had such a good day. Lots of family and friends to celebrate with her. Many of my family members met her for the first time last weekend. She is such a sweet baby and totally out of her shell now that she has been home for three months. She is even starting to throw little fits when she does not get what she wants.

So for us, life is full of adventure, love and joy! God has blessed us beyond what we could ever imagine and we give him all the glory!!

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