Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Day of School

Griffin's first day of 4K
Meeting big brother after his first day of school!

He made it!

Getting on the bus for the first time.
Well another school year is well underway. Carter is enjoying 2nd grade and loving riding the bus! We love his school so much, this year, they had to bring their own bibles as part of their school supplies, I love that!!
Griffin is in 4 year old Kindergarten and enjoys it as well. It is at the same church he has preschool at last year. This year is going to be a year of a lot of growth and maturity for Griffin as they really focus on preparing the children for Kindergarten.
That leaves me and Lily four mornings a week, it is very quiet around here.We keep busy with errands, and play dates. I hired a sitter to come over every Tuesday morning to watch Lily. This was motivated by two reasons, my desire for some time to myself, to get some things done around town, meet a friend for coffee or just enjoy some time alone. Also, Lily is extremely attached to me so this will be good for her as well. Today was week two and she did so much better than last week, only cried for a minute when I left! I enjoyed myself a lot this morning. Now we have to work on her staying in the nursery at church and during my bible study! She is at a very fun age right now, her personality is really showing! It has been interesting having her in a playgroup with 1 and 2 year old kids, she does not know about kids her age and does not like it when they pull her, push her, or take things from her. This will be good for her and for me! I am meeting some new friends with little ones and anybody who knows me knows how I like to meet new people!
I also starting serving on our high school ministry team. This experience is going to change me forever, already has in just 2 weeks! Watching 15, 16 and 17 year olds in love with Jesus, praising Him and trusting Him in ways I just learned to do, is so inspiring! I wish I had known what they know at their ages. I have a lot to share with them but so much more to learn from them.

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