Monday, March 29, 2010

Our New Normal!

Lilyana has been home just over 2 weeks now and wow has life changed. I am remembering what it is like to do most things with one hand and my left arm is getting really strong. Lily has changed so much since we first came home. We did not see a smile for the first few days and now I can get her to smile almost anytime I want, other people have to work a little harder. She is extremely attached to me, my new adorable accessory I say! She is starting to come around with other people but still does not like anybody else to hold her. She is getting much better with dad so that is good. Her personality is starting to come out a little more each day. It is fun to watch her explore and take everything in. She likes her big brothers, she seems to especially like Carter but he seems to like her more than Griffin does. She is an awesome sleeper, at lease 12 hours every night in her crib, praise God!! She is also quite the eater as well and she seems to like our food. She says mama a lot and I love it! She is such a blessing to our family and we thank God every day for picking us to be her forever family!!

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