Monday, October 6, 2008

The Price of Groceries--UGGG!!!

Those if you who know me well will find this strange but I am actually going to try and bargain shop for groceries!! We do something interesting at our house every week to pay for "normal weekly expenses", we have separate envelops of cash for things such as groceries, sam's club, target, church, and fun! We put about the same amount in each week and it has worked very well for a couple of years now. We have had to make adjustments along the way but nothing like we have had to lately. It is a great system because we rarely spend more than the cash we have and we all know how a $50 trip to Target can get out of hand! I owe this budget strategy to Ty (his mom while raising him, she has envelops for her car payment and mortgage). It took me some time to get used to it but now it empowers me! Anyway, back to the point at hand; over the past month or so there has not been enough cash for groceries, by a long shot. It is true we eat at home a lot. Carter has to take a lunch to school every day and Griffin, Ty and I are home for lunch daily but that is not new. We eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies and I buy several organic products but again, that is not new. The point of this rambling is that I am going to try and buy some items at discount stores which I am not opposed to it just adds another trip to make every week. I know those of you that know me cannot believe I am saying this but the grocery bill is getting out of hand!! When Ty reads this he will be proud, he has been working on me with budgeting for years!!
If you feel my pain, know that you are not alone!!

Besides that problem, things are good. We are into a good school routine now and Carter is loving it. We have conferences this week so that should be interesting. I am happy to be back to my regular work out routine, I have even been able to fit in an extra work out of two a week. That always makes me feel good, I cannot believe I went for so long thinking about working out but not doing it because it is wonderful!! Griffin and I are having fun together and Ty is liking his new office.

Have a beautiful Fall Monday!!

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