Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Relaxing Weekend

This past weekend was very nice for me. I spent Friday night and Saturday scrapbooking with my sister-in-law, Julie. I am so happy that Ty's brother married such a wonderful women and I am very grateful for her friendship. We did not get as much done as we wanted (never do) but it was so nice to sit down for hours and do something that I enjoy with no interruptions. Ty planned on taking the boys to the air show on Saturday while I was gone but since the weather was so bad they did not go. He decided to take the on Sunday so surprisingly I had Sunday to myself as well. It was nice to run my errands and get things ready for the week. I have always known how important it is as a mother to take time for yourself and I am very fortunate that my husband agrees. Attached are a couple of layouts that I completed over the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl!!!!
Loving the Skid Row music-boy does that bring back memories!!!!!
I had no idea you were in Vegas as well-isn't great out there this time of year????? I miss you lots and hope to see you soon!!!!!! Thanks for always including me in the scrap stuff-one of these times I WILL make it down