Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thomas the Train

Last week we spent a couple of days in Green Bay. We went there to see the "Day out with Thomas." This is something we thought about doing when Carter was in the Thomas phase and never did. Now that Griffin is in that phase we decided this would be our chance. So last Wednesday we headed to Green Bay. We had been told about a park called Bay Beach so we checked it out and it was perfect for our boys. The rides were a quarter to fifty cents each, seriously!! They rode on everything and I think we spent $12.00, I recommend checking it out of you are ever in the area. It was cold, lower 60's and windy due to the big lake that is right there. It was nice because it was not very busy. Thursday was the Big Day! The Day Out was held at the National Railway Museum so there was a lot to do and many trains to see. Riding Thomas was especially fun because it was pouring outside but we were dry inside the train. Unfortunately we had to leave earlier than we wanted to due to the rain, but still enjoyed it a lot.
I am going to try and attach a couple of photos, hope it works!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay girl-I am so proud of you!!!! You will totally love blogging. It is addicting!!!! You are off to a great start.
GOt your email last week. We've had company in town for the past week, plus my computer got a virus so we had to take it in to get it fixed so I've been without one for awhile. Aaron finally brought home his laptop for me just so I could check my email. I'll be checking in often-we'll get together soon!!!!