Monday, January 18, 2010

9 wonderful years!!

That is snow that is all over the picture! Remember we were married in Lake Tahoe in January~

Last week Ty and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. Every year we watch our wedding video which may sound like a lot but considering our wedding was all of 10 min long and the whole video is only about 20 min it is not a big time problem. This year the boys watched it with us, that was fun! Wow were we young, not really because we were married at 28 year old but now at 37 we look older! We were married at the top of a mountain (indoors) in Lake Tahoe, California, it was the perfect wedding for us! Next year we hope to go back to Tahoe to celebrate 10 years~ So this past weekend we went away, just the two of us for a relaxing and romantic weekend. And that it was, Relaxing and romantic. On Saturday I got up at 8:00, facial at 9:00 and nap by 10:30, perfect morning! Ty and I are really a good match (the good Lord definitely placed us together) we enjoy many of the same things and really do like just being together. We are so blessed to have Ty's parents who are willing and enjoy watching the kids so we can do things like this. They are wonderful people and the perfect grandparents! I highly encourage any of you "old married couples" to take some time or make some time and really, REALLY enjoy being together, what a gift marriage is and so often taken for granted.

Now for an adoption update...No travel date yet but we are busy getting her room ready. We moved Griffin into Carter's room last week and that is going amazingly well. I ordered some things for Lily's (that will be her name Lilyana) room so as soon as it comes grandpa is ready to paint and the color is.... PINK!! We expect to get our "travel call" anytime from the middle of February until May so we need to be ready. Once we get the call we need to be in Korea in about a week-Crazy. For now we are waiting and preparing.