Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas to you all!!

What is Christmas?? "It is the tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with the blessings rich and eternal, and that every path lead to peace." Anges M. Pharo.

Hope you all have a great holiday filled with lots of laughter and love!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The True Meaning of Christmas!

Here we are just a week until Christmas and still so much to do. I started really early this year but it always seems to sneak up on me and I was still shopping this morning. We have been busy still baking and attending holiday functions. Last night we went to Fanny Hill Dinner Theater for dinner with Santa and friends, we had a great time. If you live in EC or near here I suggest you check it our next year. It is a wonderful event and the kids really enjoyed it.
I have to share what Carter said last night, he is 5 years old (almost 6) he said, "I know the true meaning of Christmas, it is not the lights and the presents, it is about the birth of Jesus and what he did for us." My eyes got misty and I smiled in such delight. We continued to have a conversation about what is was that Jesus did for us and what that means to us today. I feel so blessed to live in a Country where 5 year olds feel free to talk about their spiritual beliefs and where there are schools that celebrate the "true meaning of Christmas." It is so much fun that my kindergartner is inspiring me!!
Attached are a couple of photos of what we have been up to and a picture of that Elf that I was talking about earlier. Carter is still so into it, the first thing he has to do when he gets up is find Kit Frisbee (that is what he named him).
Enjoy this last week and try to relax and remember the true meaning of Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

These are a couple of simple holiday decoratins I put together, I am
trying to be more creative.

This picture is great because Griffin is Obsessed with Hello Kitty!

Sweet Delight!!

My Boys!!

Since my last post my computer nearly crashed (luckily we caught it in time), Christmas is in full swing, we have a strange little elf visiting our house daily, and God revealed some really important things to me.
First off being without a computer for a few days was strange. I am sure most of you can relate to this, I have no idea what we did before them. I know that I made more phone calls during those days than I usually do. So now my goal is to try and connect with people in ways other than e-mail, at least once in a while. I am thankful that I did not lose anything and it was fixed quickly.
We are getting more and more ready for Christmas each day. The house is decorated, most of the gifts are bought and wrapped, the cards are ready to be mailed and the boys and I are baking almost daily. I decided this year I was going to bake some different things than my usual and it has been fun. We have already enjoyed a couple of Christmas celebrations with a couple others coming up. For me, Christmas and summer are a lot alike; I try to get it all in because it goes by WAY too fast! The best part about this year is that this strange looking elf appeared on our door step on Saturday and watches us all the time. If you have not heard about the "Elf on the Shelf" check into it. Carter is having so much fun with him. The story is that he is sent by Santa to watch over the good little boys and girls and every night he flies to the North Pole to report to Santa and flies back to your house. In the morning he is in a different location in the house. Carter is so into the "Christmas Magic" this year that it has been a blast. I will take a picture of the Elf and post it tomorrow.

Now for the most important thing that is going on in my life, God is really working on me. He has me doing some things that I have always feared, like really listening to him and obeying. I struggle with this all day, every day (obeying that is) but I am becoming more aware of what he wants from me and am trying to obey. Last week I met with my pastor. This may sound like no big deal to some of you but to me it was the most intimidating thing I have done in years. See I have gone to my church for 12 years ( I love it there so much) and I have never met the pastor. We got a new pastor 3 years ago and I never met him but I had never met that past one either. I never gave it much thought until a few weeks ago when I realized that I avoid him at all costs and get very nervous when I am close to him. This feeling made me so uncomfortable and felt wrong to me. Well a few days later, I was in my Bible study revealing this to the women I had just met a couple of months ago. The next thing you know I tell them I am going to set up a meeting with him. Where did that come from?? Not me, I did not have the courage for that. After re-writing the e-mail several times I pushed send and had a meeting set up for the next week. I was so nervous going there and when I got into his office I could not even form a sentence. He was patient with me and within 15 minutes I was weeping and we were discussing why I was REALLY there. God has given me so much to think about and I am so excited to see how he continues to work to change my heart and my life!! He is so good!! I finally understand that He wants to have a personal relationship with me, little ol me!! This is going to be the best relationship I have ever had and I cannot wait!!
Attached are a few photos of what we have been up to this past week, hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tis The Season!!

Everywhere I look it is all of the sudden Christmas! I think this season goes way too fast so I like to see things sooner rather than later! Griffin is LOVING all of the decorations that he sees all around. This past weekend I went on an annual scrapbooking retreat to White's Wildwood Retreat in Chippewa Falls, check it out at www.wwretreat.com. It is such a beautiful and peaceful place. I have to say this was most most successful retreat so far, I got more done than any other time. I suppose that had something to do with the fact that I could not sleep. It is such a great time to just forget about other responsibilities and just work on your hobby, enjoy a little wine, good friends and food and a lot of laughter. The best part is that it is so close to home.

Today I am all about making lists; the Christmas card list, the gift list, the baking list, the holiday activities list. I am thankful that I have the time to truly enjoy the season and not get too stressed out!! Tonight we are going on a horse-drawn wagon ride through the Christmas Village in Irvine Park! Should be a great night for it.
Happy Holiday Season to you All!!